Joint workshop on 8 October 2019, Brussels
Impact of 3 EU funded TB vaccine Research and Innovation projects on the global TB vaccine pipeline
Three H2020 funded projects in the field of TB vaccine research & development, TBVAC2020, EMI-TB and STriTuVaD, have contributed to diversify, innovate and expand the TB vaccine pipeline. Through these and associated efforts, the TB vaccine pipeline now includes new vaccine candidates in later stage clinical trials, fast follower candidates in early stage clinical trials and new candidates in pre-clinical stages. In addition, more diverse, innovative technologies are being developed.
Together these projects organise a workshop on 8 October 2019 in Brussels “Maintaining European scientific excellence and global leadership in TB Vaccine R&D”. This meeting brings together scientists, policy makers, funders and other key stakeholders in TB vaccine research and innovation (R&I). The results and impact of the three aforementioned H2020 TB projects on the TB vaccine field and the TB vaccine pipeline will be presented. Meeting participants will be asked to contribute to priority policy relevant recommendations as to how the collaborative research effort that underpins these results, can be taken forward in the next two years and embedded in FP9, the framework programme that will succeed Horizon 2020.
