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UISS-TB officially released for clinical evaluation

Updated: Jan 23, 2020

The platform developed for STriTuVaD will be released for public use after beta testing.

In the last months, the final version has been released internally to the consortium in order to be tested by clinical partners; upon their positive feedbacks and suggestions, it will then be released for public use in due course.

As anticipated in a previous news, the simulation platform UISS-TB has been developed and fine-tuned through several years by the research group of the University of Catania, coordinated by Prof Pappalardo, and is able to reproduce the immune system response induced by vaccines.

At the moment, the group from the University of Catania is in tight collaboration with the group from the University of Sheffield for the implementation of the model in the flame GPU software, under the responsibility of Dr Paul Richmond. All the codes have been proper implemented for the implementation of the software and the computational model, that will be deeper tested thus accelerating the model validation.

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