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STriTuVaD consortium

Collaborative research and innovation of the TB vaccine pipeline

The workshop “Maintaining European scientific excellence and global leadership in TB Vaccine R&D EU funded collaborative research and innovation” organised by three H2020 funded projects – TBVAC2020, EMI-TB and STriTuVaD – brought together scientists, policy makers, funders and other key stakeholders to discuss the impact and results of these projects and how collaborative research effort that underpins these results, can be taken forward in the next two years and be embedded in Framework Programme 9.

A key messages was that collaborative research efforts made a major contribution to innovating and diversifying the TB vaccine pipeline. A report on the impact of the projects on the TB vaccine pipeline as well as recommendations by participants as to how best collaborative research efforts can continue will be prepared and shared with meeting participants as well as key stakeholders in the TB vaccine R&D space.

The video below highlights some of the achievements of the three projects:

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