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STriTuVaD consortium

Strituvad July Newsletter

Updated: Jan 12, 2023

Official release of BACTS - Bayesian Augmented Clinical Trials

BACTS is a suite of routines developed by Prof Miguel Juárez and Dr Dimitrios Kiagias from the University of Sheffield to analyse and augment the TB clinical trial with information from the UISS-TB simulator. The library implements the methods described in Kiagias et al (2021) for combining information from Real Clinical Trials for TB therapeutic vaccination and computer simulations from UISS-TB. BACTS can be installed in R (free, open access) and is publicly available from GitHub repository, where instructions for installation and use are available, too. The library provides code to fit hierarchical Bayesian logistic models for dichotomous end points, with and without random effects. We use the former to fit the in silico data and the latter for the in vivo trials. A second suite of routines combine the posterior distributions from these two sources of information into an in silico Augmented Clinial Trial. Try it here!


Can life be predicted? Strituvad and digital twin technologies presented at Pharmaday 2022

The second edition of the event for academics and industries organized by the Department of

Health and Drug Science and the team of Prof Pappalardo of the University of Catania has been held on 1 June 2022. Can life be predicted? With this question Prof Viceconti from partner University of Bologna introduced his opening lecture on modeling and simulation technologies in medicine in general and for drug development, highlighting the opportunities that these technologies can offer to researchers, industries, healthcare professionals and, ultimately, to patients. In silico technologies, and in particular digital twin applications, can be used for drug trial design, augmented randomized controlled trials, and for virtual placebo and virtual follow-up designs among others. Read the full article


Prof Pappalardo gives a lecture at the VPH Summer School on Differential equations, conceptual modelling and disease representation - Introducing the Universal Immune System Simulator and its regulatory aspects.

The first patient was recruited in September 2021 at the All India Institute Of Medical Sciences of New Delhi for the phase IIb clinical trial carried out by Clinical Research Network India.

Authors propose a set of automatic tools for the mechanistic Agent-Based Model verification assessment


The most important conference entirely on in silico medicine, this year finally back in person! Topic: Digital twins for personalized treatment development and clinical trials. Early bird registration available until 10 July 2022. More info and registration

It provides junior engineers, early researchers and medical doctors with an integrative view of state-of-the-art research for in silico medicine, following a complete pipeline from basic science and clinical needs, to model application. More info

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